Porfolio (Online Application)
Lucas Wong -- HP: +6019-8280131
The COVID-19 crisis has forced education systems worldwide to find alternatives to face-to-face instruction. As a result, online teaching and learning have been used by teachers and students on an unprecedented scale. However, students can very easily lose focus on school-related tasks with one-click access to youtube, trending news, addictive games, and viral videos at hand.
Below is an online class reminders of upcoming online classes for students and teachers, and is designed for making student / teacher life more organised and manageable. It enables teachers to store Google Meet URLs prior to the online classes beginning thus the students won't have to always keep checking their mobiles for online classes' links.
The key benefit offered by this application is that it reminds the students to attend the online classes on time. When it comes to the scheduled class time, the 'subject' will be in red, bold and start blinking to get the student's attention. Then the student clicks on the blinking 'subject', it will open an online class meeting in a new tab. For a detailed explanation of how this online application works, please CLICK HERE to watch the video.